Originally Posted by LennyK
THANKS DufDaddy - Great Information -
So Just Ask Autozone For A Duralast AGM Group 35 Battery For A 370Z -
Originally Posted by Zezus
That or a gold.
I worked for AZ for 9 years - the golds have the least issues out of any battery.
True story -
Customer comes in and asked me to check his battery.
I walk out to the truck and inspect - battery is 16 years old. one of our old golds.
I tested it - it came back bad.
He says "thanks for the test!"
He then jumps back in his truck, starts it up, and drives off.
Do with that information what you will.
I recently changed my battery for my DD and Z (and started another thread on this forum), and changed both to Duralast Gold. I was debating between the AGM and Gold, but based on limited research, I found that the Gold was the way to go, IMO.
If you also type in your vehicle information on AZ's website, it will give you the battery information, although I'm now wondering if I should have went with group 24F instead of 35 because of the CCA/CA.