Allright, little update here.
There seems to be an issue with Ecutek after flashing the car, registering abnormal amounts of knock.
At a certain point, I got the tip to unplug the two ECU connectors in the passenger footwell after flashing the ECU with a new file. This helped a lot and removed 80% of my knock.
Right now, the only moment that I have timing retard is when I go in boost in low RPM (say 3000 to 3500). The car doesnt seem to like 12 degrees of timing there (at 6-13 psi). I think it's "lugging" the engine and it pulls like 2-5 degrees of timing depending on various conditions.
I think its a combination between stock high CR + building boost + requested timing - in low RPM's.
I would be interested knowing what timing retard other people run in the 3000-3500 range on stock block and 93 pump.