Originally Posted by VABAM
If you want something beautiful its going to be $$$$. No way around it unless you find a good deal on an used one.
BTW did you know that Ruger makes Blackhawks in 10mm/40S&W?
The reloading thing I was talking about is if you what to roll your own from your spent casings. It's hard getting the Glock smile out of casings and I would trust the cases for only one reload. I'm comfortable with running purchased reloads but it really depend on who makes them and what they are making them from. When it comes to hot factory ammo I have no concerns running it in a Glock unless it is one of Glock's 40S&W models. I have shot plenty of hot 10mm through my G20 with no issues including ammo from Buffalo Bore's Heavy 10mm line.
Back to 40S&W Glocks; From what I've seen 40S&W Glocks tend to go kaboom more than any other Glock chambering in factory form. When I see or hear of a 9mm Glock going kaboom it usually is heavily modified. I have yet to see or hear of a 45ACP or 10mm Glock having a catastrophic failure. IMO a big factor with the 40S&W Glocks going kaboom is due to they are 9mms modded to run 40S&W rather than being designed from scratch to run 40S&W. Just my 
I see a guy that does amazing with my rifle reloads. I'd see him for my 10mm. I might consider the G40. Thanks. I'm thinking either a raptor 2 or a colt delta elite as well.