You need to tell her straight up how you feel, this isnt some girl you just met, or someone you have been friends with a couple years and think you have feelings for, (which by all means I am in no way agains people falling in true love after a couple weeks, i have seen it happened and it works) But this is someone you have known your whole life. And obviously someone who completes you. This could go a lot of ways, but the two biggest ones are, shes gunna tell you she feels the same way and that maybe not moving with her family and stayin to start a life with you is a possibility (dont know really how old you are) Or shes gunna say she doesnt feel the same way and just wants to be friends (which in my opinion, by the sound of things, would be a total ******** answer) and things might be awkward for a while and you wont beable to see her like you have been because she wont want you getting the wrong idea, but in the end she will always be around to be a friend because you have a lot of history.
IMHO be a man, grow some

, and tell her straigh up how you feel, and dont worry about where to do it, the most romantic places to do things are the most common in your everyday lives, otherwise your just goin out of your way when you dont need to, and women are turned off by that.
If you dont, shes gunna move, and instead of living your life with her, or upset she didnt love you back, your gunna be living life NOT knowing what could or couldnt happen and thats way worse.