Well this is going to be a bit long but I will try to keep it as compressed as possible.
Let me start with saying that this is about a girl. One that I have known all my life pretty much grew up together at one point she use to babysit me "4 years older than me" Her mother and my mother use to go to school together.
As I said I have know this girl my entire life. Around 4 or 5 years ago I just started feeling REAL deep emotions for this girl. Not sexual but just actually love. It is not something that I made up just simply something I can not really explain pretty much love is the only way I can put it. So around 2 years ago I told her a few things that I was feeling "over a answering machine"

She called me back and told me that guys call her a lost cause because she is always busy with school work or other activities like working out or marathons. I really did not argue it and that conversation lasted like 2 minutes.
After that we really did not hang out that much nor did we really ever actually go out together and hang out.But lately the past 6 weeks we have.I have to say it has been a ton of fun and we have been surprisingly open with each other. She let me come with her line dancing and I was hooked on that so I now go every Friday with her and we talk on the way there dance and than talk on the way home. We also do other things such as today where we went out. Now what I have not told you at this point is that they are trying to sell there house. As soon as it is sold they are moving to Florida or somewhere close to there. This to me is like a time schedule that I have no idea when it will run out.
With the time we have been spending together it might be me but I think she is dropping some hints that she wants me to talk to her about how I feel. I can not be sure of them but I think that she is dropping hints and that she also knows how I feel. But as I said not sure. No girl has ever made me feel the way she does and I feel like telling her everything. But at the same time I do not want to scare her away or lose the wonderful time we are spending together.
Sort of why I am doing this is to vent a bit and maybe get some opinions.