Originally Posted by Quicksilvers
Will do just put my order in will let you know when it arrives. 
So you placed your order on November 23rd.
Originally Posted by EVOR
I have 10 sets in stock. Once ordered will be arrive your door step in 3-5 business days.
What did you have to do to get Jay to respond to your post on the same day?
Originally Posted by Quicksilvers
On 12/22/19 received the EVO R carbon fiber steering wheel thanks again Jay for the excellent customer service and serving the Z community.
Once again, your blind loyalty to Jay is just ridiculous. November 23rd order date to December 22nd delivery date is not 3-5 business days. Did he give you a reach-around as well to get this praise?
Originally Posted by cv129
I know you like to support EVO R, but you gotta call spade a spade ... although this order was a relative success, it’s quite a gross misrepresentation if the product arrives a month later when Jay promised 3-5 business days.
I would argue the misrepresentation is that the product actually arrived. A 3-5 day delivery promise with a month long delay and an actual product at the end is an epic victory vs EVO-R