Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Anyway when going from 4th to 5th gear you are now able to go so far to the right that 5th gets lost, and it almost always wants to go into 3rd gear once you go by that point. With rev match on you can only imagine how that sounds. I rarely drive the car (less than 1k miles a year) but I swear it used to only go by 5th/6th if you pressed down to get it into reverse. All the gears can be found and work but it is very annoying and not working correctly.
This sounds like either the shifter assembly wasn't installed properly and/or was improperly assembled. Something here definitely is off and it should be addressed before driving in traffic.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
The next thing is the clutch pedal. It has zero rebound when sitting idle but I notice while accelerating there seems to be some kind of pressure that pushes it back up. Something just seems wrong with that as well.
Definitely leads me to believe the CSC is the culprit and this could likely be the result of it being improperly installed/assembled.
Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
I need to know what to tell the shop is wrong. I tried googling the symptoms but with no luck. I just want (fingers crossed) them to get it working correctly. They do not have much experience with this style transmission.
As hard of a pill as this may be to swallow, I would grab my car from that shop and take it to a reputable shop that is familiar with our chassis and it's particulars.
I really hope you get this figured out and get her back on the road ASAP.