Originally Posted by JARblue
Hello pot. Meet kettle. You've yet to make a legitimate comment that could be backed up or even stood on down the road. You hem and haw and hedge your comments so that when the Z does finally come out you can shout it from the mountain top that you said it first. Even though you really haven't said anything at all
FWIW, I actually spoke with Nissan Corporate yesterday and they said they've never heard of you...

FWIW 'Chubbs' isn't actually my real name. If you really did ask someone in America if they know Chubbs, they'd probably put you down as a bit of a weirdo.
If you re-read my posts I have actually made statements that
could be backed up - it's just that I
haven't backed them up, so you're well within your rights to disbelieve me.
When the car's revealed, I'll be tempted to tell you more, because I respect your scepticism. I'd be just the same as you, in your position. However, I think I may not post at all at that point, unless it's to correct anyone's errors.
To be honest, I don't have any interest in bragging - I've just been trying to contribute to a thread which is of great interest to me and to fellow Z enthusiasts (or obsessives, as I am). If you enjoy spending some of your spare time attacking me, go ahead, it's fine. I'm not here to make enemies.
I'm as keen as the next man to see the new Z - fully intending to get one, which will be my 5th over a period of fifteen years. Hopefully the rumours of a 400hp 3.0l twin turbo will come true, because that's what I want. I'm not some here-today-gone-tomorrow internet troll, I'm a genuine enthusiast who has been on this site since 2009 (I don't post a great deal here, because I'm over the ocean from you).
Finally, to your claim that I haven't seen anything at all... ... ...
always wanted to use that gif. Happy Christmas to you.