Not telling a lie when I say my big box outside distracted my studying just a bit

I’m about done getting certification’s...Though we’re all required to have a certain amount; the shop umbrellas underneath certified areas.
I currently hold ASE A1-8,T1-8,S1-7,E1-3 (26 total areas 4/Master certificates) and EVT F1,4,5 & 6...just took F2 & F3

I may possibly have to redooo F3

But next year I’ll re-certify 1 in school bus & 1 in truck equipment to maintain Master status,,,then if or when I nail F3; I’ll be master FireTruck certified

Back in the late 90’s early 2000’s I was quad ase master & master Ambulance certified.....but since I’ve practically topped out on our pay scale; really no incentive to keep up with more.
Heck....just thinking/ I should only have to re-certify only once more after next year & they will stay current till I decide to retire

Then be a ReTread like a couple other people