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Old 12-04-2019, 08:16 AM   #5319 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BettyZ View Post
At a loss on how to frame/ceiling this corner. I have separate cut OSB to cover the rafters below the ceiling level. But cant figure out how to extend the ceiling to this corner. Thoughts?

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That's a rough one. With the hip being thicker than the rafters we would normally fir the rafters to bury the hip before sheeting the rafters. Unless you start over on the angled sections the hip will just be left exposed. Attach a couple short 2x2 to the hip between the rafters to get the end of the sheet nailed tight. You might have to cut the bottom of the last 2 rafters off. I can't tell if it's camera angle or if they are way out of plane. May need a little butchery with a sawzall to clean out the corner.

To get a backer in the corner of the flat just cut a 45* on a 2x2 or flat 2x4 and run it from the ceiling joist into the hip at the point the flat part planes through. Might need to do one both ways. Don't worry about it being right at the end of the sheet. It can be back a couple inches if need be to make it fit.

Last edited by -ZS-Carpenter; 12-04-2019 at 08:19 AM.
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