Originally Posted by RonRizz
There are some that would argue that subject.....I'm not one of them, I'm just not well versed on the subject, I fly by the seat of my pants on past experiences, and things I have read. I'm just a guy who loves car stereo.
As far as I'm concerned, you are the Resident Audio Guru.

I'm pretty sure that amps are much better than what I'm used to working on at rejecting noise so that noise on the outputs is not a big problem. But if the wires go near one of the control modules (or other strong EMF source), it can pick up a lot of noise.
Originally Posted by RonRizz
I do agree that it is in fact an antenna, and from what I have read, twisted pairs can help with noise.
Even twisted pair is a trade-off. Keeping the wires away from EMF sources is the best route. Ounce of prevention...
Originally Posted by RonRizz
Now whats this you say about sound quality in a car???? 
I see no need to rehash that. Music reproduction is VERY subjective. You seem to be delivering what people enjoy listening to and that's what it's all about.

(Quit knocking Bose so hard - a lot of people like the way it sounds
