Originally Posted by bunk
ooooooh... tracer rounds would be great to fire in an M1 or M1a1!
I have a full 8lb jug and a bunch of 1lb cans of IMR4895, a ton of primers and .30 bullets. One of the RO's at the range I go to gave me a couple moving boxes full of spent 30-06 cases that one of the guys at the range collected over the years - he even put the cases back into their original retail boxes  . I have more in 223 stuff and .45. I was hoarding when the ammo laws were voted in. With that said, how many live rounds do I have? 3 223, 0 30-06 and 1 full mag for my 1911.. 
I started a small field fire with a tracer round.
I've got over 10,000 rounds of loaded ammo. About 50 lbs of powder, and roughly 10,000 primers.
I keep 1,500 rounds of .233 , and 500 rounds of 40 S&W in the motorhome.