Originally Posted by cupcakez
Of course I know that lol.
I went supercharger based on me staying a stock engine.
Then I blew a rod.
And I'm in california.
I did not know anyone at the time that could get me to pass smog when I purchased the supercharger kit.
In fact i knew nobody at all in the car scene.
So with those things considered, I needed to stay carb legal hence why I bought that carb SC kit with the intention that I'll have the same block lol.
But things took a change for the worse and I lost that engine, n bought this one on a whim when I had already planned to upgrade the engine as the very last thing instead of forcefully do it up front due to broken stock block.
I was told the stage IV handles up to 1000rwhp not stage 3 from IPP.
And cuz I'm a dirty automatic kid, I'm unfortunately stuck with a weak *** transmission, lol.
So yeah. I totally get what ur saying though.
If I knew ahead of time I wouldnt need to worry about smog then I'd of definitely gone turbos 
all i hear is dumb excuses.
cali blows just move. you got terrible laws, smog, fires, earthquakes, and millions of homeless. i find "but the weather is perfect" to be a

line anymore.
also, Level10 makes a 1000whp capable tranny.
the stage 3 short block handles up to 1000whp per their website.
i live in PA with strict vehicle emission laws. i have not had cats on my Z for 8 years without issue. not hard to "know a guy" who knows they aint there but doesnt care. especially when FI makes amazing products that dont throw a CEL.
i have solutions to any excuse you can give lol