I never buy lottery tickets; we have the stuff in SC & has been probably 5+ years since I got a “Big-Game” ticket, for whatever millions of dollars

Chances are 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000

So for whatever reason; I left Madwi’s house yesterday morning & filled up at the gas station around the corner,,,went inside & grabbed 3/5$ Gatorade & a sausage,egg,cheese between pancakes breakfast sandwich

Total was $7.77 ... I said Trip 7’s, I should buy a lottery ticket

Looking at the scratch off’s, I seen a triple 7 ticket ($10)

Didn’t know that they costed that much,,,then seen some were 20 & 30$

I said give me 1 triple 7 ticket, I’ll scratch it off when I get home

1 little 7 appeared in the bottom right corner ($50)