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Old 10-01-2019, 12:27 PM   #42 (permalink)
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I wanted to share my self-inflicted experience on this issue in case it's helpful to anyone.

I removed, disassembled, cleaned, dielectric lubed, and reinstalled the clutch switches due to an intermittent starting issue where the car would cycle through acc, on, off as if you're not pushing the clutch in.

Maybe a month later, I notice the cruise light will come on but it will never engage and drive the car (rarely use cruise). I believe the intelligent key light became illuminated around this time.

I can't remember the sequence of events, but over the next few weeks, the fob functionality seemed to deteriorate. At some point the door locks didn't operate remotely. I swapped the fob battery and I recall that helping. Disconnected the car battery to reset the key light and that worked for a short while. At some point I got my back up fob involved which had been sitting for 4 years. Over this past weekend I started having to insert the fob into it's fobhole to get the car to start.

Started poking around here and recalled the switch work I did. I either left the upper switch off or didn't fully engage it's retainer clip. Track day may have encouraged it out. Plugging the switch back in resolved the cruise and key fob issue. The unused fob doesn't work remotely, but the main one does.
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