Originally Posted by Ghostvette
So that's what the 55 MPH signs with the orange diamonds on them mean...
I set the cruise on the rental car at 55, and damn near got run over by tractor-trailers....
I bumped it to 65 and called it good... 
I figured that if I got stopped, I could use the excuse that a)I was from out of state, b) more people passed me than I passed or c) I'm a retired Marine
You'd be amazed at the number of times c) has got me out of tickets...  
Depending on the road, the cops are more or less vigilant. I've driven by on 95 doing 80 mph in a 55 zone and haven't been pulled over for it. Then again, it was rush hour, and EVERYONE was doing 80 right up until the inevitable slowdown by the airport (every.single.day.)