Originally Posted by BettyZ
 well it has a parking assist mode... which of course is what it's always set to.. and I certainly don't shout "JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBO" whenever it goes off on the highway...
And thank you! Additional sound deadening is absolutely essential in the Z. Until you pull the interior apart you don't realize just how little Nissan put in. There's basically two Kleenexes 'deadening' the rear wheel wells.
Like a fool I tossed all the spare tire foam when I did a sub enclosure. Now that I have taken the audio out, the trunk is just a big bell, amplifying the exhaust. Tested the theory by putting an old quilt in the trunk, what a difference. Currently waiting on some boom mat to arrive, i should have some left over from doing the trunk, any other particular areas that make a noticeable difference?