Originally Posted by BettyZ
Back in my fraternity days, during Super Happy Fun Time Week (aka Hell Week) we had a culinary event called Burning Down the House. Pledges spit mouthfuls of chili into the fireplace to put the fire out, and chili was also "spilled" on bare chests. Water was thrown on pledges as they approached the flames. So, chili ran down to the groinular area. And oh Lord did it burn.
We made the chili ourselves. To make sure the chili wasn't too hot, the chili team would draw straws; short straw dipped their nuts into a cup of the chili to quality control the "hotness."
One unlucky soul, not I, drew short straw three times in a row 
Now the only thing you're dipping your nuts in is toilet water when you sit down to take a dump.