Originally Posted by JARblue
How big is the tank? I've gotten over 500 miles on a tank in the Z before. Came out to nearly 28 mpg.
edit... I see it's about the same size tank. And there's no way I could set cruise near 90 in the Z and get that. I would fully expect to see the mileage you're seeing the Camaro. More powerful engine = greater efficiency (that is... as long as you can keep your foot out of it).
When I had my Z cruise would get my about 24mpg doing 70mph The Z didnt like texas summers to much. Come fall and the Z would perk up all the way thru spring. In the summer it would feel like I lost 40hp. My mpg would increase by 2mpg in the fall
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Last edited by UNKNOWN_370; 09-17-2019 at 11:15 AM.