Originally Posted by jwick
You got a picture of that?
You can add the filters to the stock hoses, i added mine directly to the ports on the engine.
I'm sure every tuner is different but i asked about deleting the 2nd O2 sensors and he said not to, he uses them to still help provide fuel trims. They were a bit close to the clutch line for my liking and was hoping to get rid of them completely.
The original tuner in Tucson did just a SD tune and the car ran like crap. I had to get it retuned by Seb from what i understand (which is very little) Seb did a hybrid tune with MAF and SD as needed and the car feels like its stock now when i'm just cruising around town off boost.
My Vacuum at idle was reading about 15 inHg pre the addition of the 2nd set of filters and now its around 18-20 inHg.