Entertainment Item #1: Seeing the valet guy pull it up to the front of the hotel where it had been parked for a couple of days.
Entertainment Item #2: Watching the valet guy struggle with the fob to try to figure out how to pop the trunk while my arms were full. (I really do dislike this about the Z, but I suddenly discovered that it can be a source of entertainment.)
Entertainment Item #3: On the drive home watching a shiny red BMW pass me at 100+ on the Interstate; 10 minutes later, seeing long blond hair waving in the breeze through the opened driver side window of the BMW as the cop was walking back to his vehicle with DL in hand. (I usually don't find much enjoyment in people getting speeding tickets, but this one just happened to catch me in the right mood. Boredom of the interstate probably had something to do with it.)