Originally Posted by Hot Rod 370 Z
Love the car overall but, the nanny or granny 1st gear can get on ones nerves. Years ago I drove a dump truck for a construction company. Never used 1st gear unless I had a full load and needed the extra torque to get moving.
1st gear on the Z reminds me of that experience so I ask the following three questions please.
1) Anyone have this problem or is it exclusive to 2019 Z gear ratios ?
2) Anyone out there start out in 2nd gear ?
3) Does anyone find it difficult to get a smooth shift from 1st to 2nd gear ?
I have gotten used to the 1-2 shift but it does take some finesse ...
Getting a RJM clutch pedal helped smooth things out a bit. Also had my tuner bump my idle up ab 50 rpm.
Now my biggest issue is shifting neutral to 1st. I think a lot of that is geometry though - I have very long legs and it's a very small car.
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