Originally Posted by JARblue
So an Iraq/Afghanistan marine veteran high school buddy of mine is having a tough go of things the past decade or so. I've been in touch but it's tough to encourage him to get out. We play disc golf occasionally. He's going to take care of my lawn going forward. Semi-regular work that he can rely on for some smokes and gas money. At least I can finally do something for the guy. It's really sad how the VA treats him 
Originally Posted by Spooler
I know how your buddy feels. I hate the VA with a passion. I had to fight for 3 years with them to get my right knee covered. I called it my weekly conference call. I finally got it done. When I got out of the service in 1993 I had just had my left knee ACL replaced. That was the first of July. I got out at the end of August. Did I hear a peep out of the VA, Noop. Not one word. I did all my rehab on my own.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Originally Posted by JARblue
In the end the VA is a federal government agency... not military anymore. Not truly military anyway. The bottom line is priority. Nothing else. And it shows. In the way our veterans are treated. It's truly a travesty.
The VA has been screwed up for decades, it's gotten worse in the years since Vietnam. Look how long it took for them to call exposure to Agent Orange 'service related', and they STILL won't cover blue water Navy veterans for it.

The guys in Desert Shield/Desert Storm and the burn pits. Holy crap, we burnt everything.....

and then Saddam fired all the oil wells in the area.
The guys coming back from OEF/OIF most all have TBI from breaching charges, and the constant exposure to mortar and artillery explosions, along with fvcked up ROE... and God knows what kind of experimental drugs they gave them for 'anthrax' etc.....
I refuse to go to the VA for treatment. The one time I went, they prescribed Prozac for a sleep disorder....