Oh and I mightve just had my theory confirmed.
The following is from an exerpt from a Q&A session with IGN.com...
Q: Are there teams supporting Jacob and the Man in Black? And what should we call that guy, by the way?
Cuse: The Man in Black.
Lindelof: Call him the Man in Black.
Q: Are there teams? Are there people that are going to take sides this season?
Cuse: People are going to take sides, but that doesn't mean they're not going to switch sides later on. It's a little bit like baseball pre-season. You're on a team, but there's a lot of trading going on.
Lindelof: I think one thing to keep in mind though is that just because one guy wears white and the other guy wears black, don't make immediate judgments over who's good and who's evil. Jacob has kind of put our guys through the wringer in a lot of ways, so it might be interesting to see what the Man in Black has to say for himself.
Cuse: He might have a good perspective.