MC I totally hear ya about being obsessed with LOST. I cant even skip a single second or frame. You have some pretty good theories and found some good stuff I didnt realize.
Heres my theory, tell me what you think..
I think that Jacob is actually the bad guy. Those people from Ajira flight with the guns that said that were body guards for Jacob claimed that "they were the good guys" Idk about you but almost every movie the bad guys always say "but we are the good guys".
So in saying that I think Jacob is evil and fake locke, MIB, smoke monster, or whatever we want to call him is really the good guy. I think he might even be in some sense Jesus. Take Locke for example, he has never ever been evil in anyway, in a sense he believed in something, when all others outcast him, but over time he gathered followers to accept his faith. (also see the picture I have attached, its the great supper scene, and locke is sitting in jesus's seat)
Also at the very end, fake locke says to everyone on the beach "I'm very dissapointed in all of you" ....Maybe he is dissapointed that after thousands of years, the world has lost faith in him(jesus)
Just a little note, I am NOT a religious person by no means, Im just stating facts about the whole idea of catholocism and how it is seaming to relate to LOST.
Another thing, the fountain they brought Sayid to, could this possibly be the Fountain of Life?? Maybe that is how Richard has not aged (one of the effects from drinking out of the fountain of life) It also looks like the temple is of some Mayan design, but also has egyptian glyphs. Maybe that temple is one of the oldest of its kind, from the beginning of "time" and human life, which has a collaberation of all ancient civilazations. (Kind of like that AvP movie)
thats all I got for now