Originally Posted by Ghostvette
Originally Posted by JARblue
Punch lists are a pain in the âss on large projects. By the time one floor is punched, some idiot has already come through and put new dings in the wall or corners or some shìt. By the time the whole building is punched, whole floors already need to be re-punched. I hate construction lol.
I got hired at the power plant during construction. I did the start-up and commissioning on the different systems. Had to go through each system after they got finished with it and punch list everything. Then go back and correct everything. We are talking 45 different systems.

You wouldn't believe on what got bought out. They said the construction was 2 months ahead of schedule, and 40 million under budget. The last system. Soon as they got finished with it. They was GONE! I never had a chance to go through the system with them there.

They made their date goals, and walked away with some big bonuses. I hate Tony Brothers and Duke/Flour Construction to this day.