Originally Posted by Cyber370
Well, I broke down and pulled the trigger on a set of these. Based on everyone’s favorable reviews and YouTube videos, I am hoping I won’t regret it (for being too loud). They do sound incredible in the videos. I went through a Canadian vendor and have now been told they’re out of stock and will get back to me on how long of a wait I have. Hopefully it won’t be too long.
Not to scare you off, but I am returning my remark axle back for the reasons you described earlier with your beluga. It was a bit loud but that wasn't the main problem, the problem was the drone and rattling. I'm likely much more sensitive to that than others. And even despite that I still thought of keeping it because it does sound amazing.
Funny, I actually bought the aam s-line axle back you currently have based on your reviews of it and it is shipping tomorrow.