Day Seven: 8:51 wheel-hours, 503 miles. From Colville, WA to Missoula, MT. Highlights included this unexpected and short yet delightful stretch of ID 6 between ID 3 and 9, terrain map pictured below, and the 202 miles of US 12 between Lewiston, ID and Lolo, MT, also known as The Northwest Passage, an All-American Road.
US 12 follows the course of the Lochsa River like Spoiler on the scent of fresh bacon. The western terminus has an elevation of around 1,000 ft. The route rises gently to 4,000 ft. over 150 miles, then ascends abruptly to crest at Lolo Pass, elev. 5,235 ft. The All-American portion terminates 32 miles later at Lolo. For that reason, and because eastbound traffic is much lighter, I recommend starting at Lewiston.
And you'll be grinning like an idiot for at least 99 beautiful, curvy, glorious miles.
Bonus points for popping it in neutral bc you're almost out of gas after you crest the pass, and throwing the computer for a loop.

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