Price is $310 per set (2): base, lens, brackets, bolts, INCLUDES LEDs (Profile Pivot Switchback) and i will seal them so they're ready to install.
$250 without LEDs
Price includes shipping and PP fees.
I make these my self, i know this is against the rules, if tripps doesn't like i'll delete.
Made for 9" LEDs
Lenses have some tiny air bubbles, this is due to chemical reaction with pigment, but they are very small and very few (2 to 10). I do de-gas and pressure cast (for 24hrs) to minimize these. They are not visible when light is off and only visible from a couple of feet when its on.
I can make these in different colors! White or red/orange. Less or more dark in each option.
Base and lens are cast and solid plastic, brackets are 3d printed with ABS
LEDs the pic i have are from
If something happens and lens breaks during use (rock/accident ..ect) i can make a replacement lens at small cost.
I accept returns, i think up to 3 months is fair (no reason needed)
Anything happens in shipping or at installation, i can replace parts at no cost.