Originally Posted by Spooler
Probably so, Not too worried about it. It's just a number at the end of the day. I am sure it will be plenty fast enough. It's very hard to say how other people report on their dyno numbers. We were transparent so everyone could see both. I am still happy with the 780hp in 4th.

For sure, you could very well just go when it is cooler or less humid during the fall or spring and easily get it.
Originally Posted by Hotrodz
This is one of my pet peeves...why is it necessary to compare all things when there is no way to do so in a statistically valid way. Spooler posted both 4th gear and 5th gear data points and if you have a clue you can make whatever conclusion you want. I get tired of people trying to ruin others experience because they used a dyno that reads high or low, or questioning the validity of data unless it is obvious it can't be true.
Well I'm glad I was able to touch your pet peeve!
I have never tried to ruin his experience, I have been cheering during the whole build.
Like I said above, I'm sure if he does a recheck in the fall/spring it'd be there or could be there with minor adjustments.
And if you want to get into theory - If you are to use the dyno graphs as a tool and show multiple 4th gear pulls and one 5th gear pull how is that comparable?
Again, I'm not knocking anything that he's accomplished. I am in aww of how great things came out after the struggle. It gives me hope!