Originally Posted by Rusty
When my sister died. Just before she passed. She said that "Aunt Mary is here and wants me to go with her." Aunt Mary been dead for 50 years. 
It's my personal opinion that there is something else holding our bodies and brain in place. Scientists can't explain just like I can't understand why does my hair move when there is wind, I can't see it but...If we have souls inside these carcasses, then of course ..where do they go?..wonder around us ?...I am not sure but I know my dogs move their heads like there is something moving in the house at times and I think is the soul of our first dog Chico who lived in our house for 14 years and sadly had to be put to sleep. Now it would be very sad to think that we are the only living creatures in the Universe, damn if God exists he would get very poor grades if he made us the "only" beings, as we are the most destructive beings that inhabit the planet that we are destroying minute by minute...it's 7:45 am and just thinking about this makes me want to have a brew....salud kids..don't retire