Originally Posted by Ghostvette
When I worked at Garmin, we had auditors come in and ask those questions. We were taught to say "yes, we have a quality system". When the auditor asked specifics, we took them to where the manual was and showed them the answer. Sometimes, knowing where to find the information is more important than memorizing something incorrectly. 
With the updates to ISO9001:2015, auditing bodies put increased pressure on Management to be involved in the QMS (which means no more just giving the job to the QA Manager and washing their hands of it) and one aspect of that is Management promoting "Awareness" throughout the organization. There are numerous implications. First, the QMS now only rarely exists as a single manual. Second, there is a tremendous amount of substantiating information which multiple personnel have to be aware of.
Like all bureaucracy, it's getting bigger and more cumbersome. Scope creep. Most ideas in it are good, but the scale gets big in a hurry (especially with things like Risk Management).