CEL's been on intermittently and described to the shop what I saw the first time an image came out from the gauge. Thought it was the cap because of this but code says evap leak.
2019-07-02_08-25-52 by
Raf, on Flickr[/IMG]
Checked underneath and noticed the muffler butted against the evap canister. That had to be replaced.
While up on the rack, we noticed that the gas tank was dented on both sides. The darn tire shop jacked from the tank. The good news -- no cracks, no leaks, just dimpled bottoms.
2019-07-02_08-32-01 by
Raf, on Flickr[/IMG]
2019-07-02_08-33-29 by
Raf, on Flickr[/IMG]