So I just picked up my magma red 2014 370z yesterday and unfortunately the previous owner had pinstriping PAINTED on that goes from the headlights running all the way back to the rear quarter panel that goes into an ugly design. I tried using acetone and then lacquer thinner with a microfiber towel and rubbed with my finger tip using light pressure to avoid scratching the clear coat and the painted pinstriping is barely coming off. It seems to be some sort of hard enamel paint because it does not come off easy what so ever. It took me a good 10-15 minutes just to get off what I circled in the pictures.
EDIT: My embedded pictures aren't showing up so I'll post the imgur link above
UPDATE: I decided to take a leap of faith and wet sand it with 1000 grit sandpaper and the paint comes off WAY easier. I was able to take off the same amount of paint in less than a minute by just wet sanding than I could with the lacquer thinner and microfiber towel. However, obviously it leaves the clear coat paint hazy so I will need to polish it out. I'll post more updates after I make more progress. See below.