Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
Less than an a month to go until retirement.
I had a full beard (ZZ Top style)when hired 20 years ago.Had to shave beard for the job.I had worked as a teamster line driver for 22 years prior to that.
Beards against dress code at current company.I decided to grow a beard again.
What are they going to do .Fire me.
Beard was jet black 20 years ago.Now white with a little grey.
Who is that old guy that looks back at me in Mirror.
When the DoD got finished with me and let me go. My hair was on my shoulders, and a beard down past my nipples. That lasted until I started to work for a couple of fab shops and trimmed everything up. Started to work for Elliott and the hair got short and the beard became a go-tee. Started to shave the head later on. Lack of hair.

Started working for Duke energy and no facial hair what so ever because of having to train and wear face masks for Hazmat. Retirement and the go-tee came back.