Originally Posted by Baronsmokes
If you have followed build you know there is no factory spoiler for roadster.
I liked the look of the Mine style spoiler extension.There is no such thing for this.
I thought it would be good idea to make one in Carbon Fiber for the car.(was I wrong).
As you have seen on the tread it has been a rough go.From making the mock up for mold.Making several molds until I got right.Having trouble with resin.Numerous attempts at this.Working to get fit just right.
There it is.The only one of its kind that will fit that spoiler.
Not yet mounted it is just sitting on spoiler.3 coats of clear on extension.
One more cut and buff for extension and spoiler before final mounting.
Learned a lot about Carbon Fiber and making custom piece on this build.
Have over 120hrs into this extension from start to finish.I'm to stubborn to give up.
Had several people ask about spoiler extension.
That thing sucked.
Will be retiring in a month.
I have a lot to do restoring my 122 year old house and I'm not getting any younger.
No promises but I might make a couple this winter.
This would be for my friends on forum.This is not a money making thing as the time it takes to make one is crazy.