Here's the deal. This is why I don't fool with coatings. They have to be cared for A SPECIFIC WAY and the people who installed it should have informed you on how to maintain it. So the coating could be perfectly fine but you didn't properly maintain it. Last of all, NOTHING is better than clear coat so if your car was resprayed, it would turn out better than ANYTHING else that you could have done to it. But even then, YOU are your clear coat's first line of defense and if you don't properly care for it, it will fail with time, just as it did before.
Nissan doesn't do the best job when it comes to clear coat on these cars so YOU have to be vigilant in your paint care routine. Personally, I would NEVER allow a dealership to paint my car unless I could have a sit down with the shop manager AND the person painting my car. Then I would thoroughly inform them on what I'm expecting out of them. Most places won't do that because they don't want to deal with the headache so I always say that if I am too much of a headache, say so and I will take my money elsewhere.
"Marines - Making the other guy die for his country for over 200 years."