Originally Posted by Rusty
The so called oil cooler on the 12+ models is different from what you think you will see. It's an oil to coolant heat exchanger. Not an oil to air heat exchanger like the aftermarket ones like Z1, FI, etc. It has what looks like a sandwich plate at the oil filter, with 2 coolant hoses going to it. The coolant circulates through the sandwich to cool the oil. In the right conditions, it's a great set-up if you can hold the coolant at a constant temperature. In a car, it's kind of so-so because you can not hold a steady coolant temperature. Too many variables with engine load.
Ahh, I never knew that. Or, I never noticed that in the oil temps lol. I don't get why they didn't just make it a exchanger out front like most cars? I would imagine a little 10 or 15 row would've been ok for regular non aggressive street use and wouldn't really cost them much in the production process. They could've even have it as a option you can order it with. The stock cooler is like there's none on there at all