Originally Posted by bunk
I doubt someone would consider selling to this dude. How are you gonna ask if anyone has a kit their selling, but you dont want their "Trash" component?
"Hey Sway, can you please sell me your used car because I cant afford a new one? BUT the wheels on it SUCKS, and the custom paint just looks like SHHT!"

Hi bunk. Please leave the post. I just want a turbo kit. I’ve already had dad lecture me about my attitude. And besides, anyone selling a kit would sell to me gladly because of the magic thing called money..... most people don’t care about one minute comment that seems to have sent you over the edge. I obviously have a good attitude because I can communicate with everyone else just fine. You are not needed or wanted here. Idk why you adults have to lecture me like I’m not one... I know what I said. I know what impact it had. Leave me alone it’s so annoying. I’m buying a turbo kit not trying to argue with you guys. Please, you are adding gas to a flame I started and am trying to put out. Go away.
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