Originally Posted by Spoiler
The sexual harassment claims are absolutely the worst.
I worked for awhile with an elderly guy who was a disabled vet and he had to wear a patch over one eye. Every time I was near him he would make these odd breathing noises and it always seemed like he was “undressing me” with his eye.
I turned him into HR many many times and they never did nothing about it...
It was a hostile work environment for sure...
I only could take that for a few years and I finally just up and quit...
(To this day, it’s awkward being around anyone who was ever in the Marines..  .)
Oh man, sorry to hear that. The one thing g I have learned is that people don't make up sexual harassment claims. Does it happen yes but less than 2% of sexual harassment claims are made up. It takes a lot for a person to come forward and so for me my whole world is put on hold until I can complete an investigation. The one people get wrong 90% of the time is the claim of hostile work environment. They may have poor leadership or they are not performing to standard and are being scrutinized so they don't like it and claim hostile work environment. The latter is and waste of my time. Do your job and won't have to worry about your boss!
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