Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z
As far as I can tell, SprintBooster (and all other plug-in "pedal enhancers") don't do anything you can't do with your foot. But the bottom line is: does it enhance the driver's experience. OP seems to like it so, for him, it was a good deal. Other people may prefer to just push on the pedal a little harder. To each their own.
THIS As stated earlier in the thread, It simply amplifies your pedals signal. Nothing more. Testing showed that actual throttle lag without it was .1 second from what Ive read. Negligible to say the least. It amplifies the signal by 30%...It also leaves the last bit of your pedal travel dead because your signal is maxxed at 70%. (see southarks post in regards to pushing the pedal harder) those who saw/feel improvement are doing so because their wallet is now $280 or so lighter.