Originally Posted by Rusty
This is my take on things over the years. Skilled trades is dying. Kids coming out of high school don't want to get their hands dirty. They spent years inside playing video games that does nothing to prepare them for life after school. So they go to college which fosters the wrong ideas to prepare them for after college. When they come out of college. They have this idea in their head that they will start at the top, get the corner office, with 2 sets of windows to look out of, plus top pay too. If they don't get that. They want their safe spaces.
I’m guilty about the part right outta college. Right after graduation, I got a decent job lined up and thought I was the sh*t. It was my HR director that put me in my place and humbled me, for which I am grateful. And it does seem like a pattern of whenever I interview applicants, most of them have this expectation of having a cush and easy workload, but when I tell them of a typical day, they look like a deer in headlights.