I took some video driving around with the GoPro suction cupped over the exhaust but haven't gotten around to YouTubeing it yet. I love how it sounds. Even given the in cabin drone I would not change it. Even still being NA without a tune I get decent exhaust burble, which surprised me. I need to edit the video because it's too long, but I will try to do that tomorrow. I will also take one that will show the heavy drone between about 2.75-3.25 rpm.
Overall, I'm more than happy with it.
I have to go to a DIY mechanic shop because I can't work on my car in my apartment. It's full of people who "only buy 'merican". They roll their eyes whenever I bring my Nissan in. On the first start after installing they had nothing but compliments. One even went so far as to say it sounds like a V8.
I'm still on stock cats