Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter
Lets get more basic. Most can't swing a hammer or use a shovel. I got my kid working for me this summer so he can buy his own car. It's everything i can do to not either scream at him or call his mother and ask WTF she did the last 10 years. he only has a month left before going back to school and I'm not sure if I'll make it that long.
between the idiot engineers and all the new hires
I am a millennial, albeit the earlier part of the group, but work my @$$ off and hard to live the life I have. Most of the millennial group, IMO, feel entitled and don’t want to work for sh*t (if you are offended by this comment, then you probably fall under this category). Even at my job, I got promoted a few times fairly quickly, even above people who were once my superiors.