Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter
Lets get more basic. Most can't swing a hammer or use a shovel. I got my kid working for me this summer so he can buy his own car. It's everything i can do to not either scream at him or call his mother and ask WTF she did the last 10 years.  he only has a month left before going back to school and I'm not sure if I'll make it that long.
between the idiot engineers and all the new hires 
And how many can read a tape measure? I know of some engineers who can't.

I had one helping me measure a metal piece on time. I was holding the end, and he pulled out the tape measure to the other end. I asked him what it was. He told me 10, 6, and 7 small lines.

He was trying to tell me 10ft, 6 and 7/8".