Originally Posted by Fasttimes
...and negative on the rims today. Pulled up this morning only to have one of the workers tell me what I wanted to do wasn't going to come out the way I expect. Owner yesterday stated he thought after the respray of the rims the color would be close enough on the two rear wheels, but the worker today said I would notice the difference. He said doing both wheels on one side would be better. At $195 a wheel I declined for now. I'll consider moving one of the front with slight scarring to the side with the rear that has the worst damage and maybe do just the one side, but prob best just to do all 4 to match but that's going to have to wait a bit.
At 195 per wheel with no guarantee of an exact match, might as well leave them be and save up a bit more for new wheels...
I had wanted new wheels, but had just gotten new tires, so I just waited till the tires were worn out. Gave myself some time to save up a bit.