Can bus Hacking
Hi All,
I am from the UK and I am trying to hack the can bus on my 370z Nismo.
I have tried on the UK forums but not having any luck.
I am using the USB2CAN device from 8devices on Linux with the can-utils package. I connect to the device in terminal using the command:
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
Then I send the command:
cansniffer can0 -c
I have also tried sending the messages:
7E0#1081 to start a diagnostic session
7E0#3E01 for keepalive
I am not getting any results back. Does anyone know anything about the USB2CAN device? I noticed that some of the guys on here are using the CANUSB device from Lawicel, what is the difference?
If anyone could help that would be great.