Originally Posted by OptionZero
Never heard of a wheel that sunken in front, so my concern would be rubbing on the INSIDE
why are you so hung up on these crappy offsets? you have the SPL FUCAs, right? You can run literally anything you want in front
It's like having a lifetime pass to any strip club you want and going to the library instead
We only have 7in of backspacing on the front. It can be an issue. I looked at running a 10.5in wheel at a +32. It was right at 7in of back spacing which is the limit. I am running R888r's with my current wheel choice and on front I run a 285/35/19. Rears are 325/30/19. That is 12.1in of tire tread width, from what I remember, in the back. R888r's are very wide.