Originally Posted by BettyZ
Must have been all that radiation.. I'd rather have been bit by the Spiderman spider though. Wicked-fast-math-equation Man is a bit windy for a superhero name.
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He was a genius. Before the start of each class, he would ask us to ponder certain things. I cant recall the details, but they would go something like:
"Consider this, between the Soviet Union and the United States, we had sent 14 missions to investigate if there is life (on X planet). Of those 14 missions, zero had succeeded in completing. What was the cause of these destroyed craft? Or maybe WHO was the cause of these destroyed craft?"
Would let the question sink in for a minute... OK LAST TIME WE MET WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THE HALF LIFE OF....
Every class would end with someone giving him some random equation to solve..lol