Originally Posted by Ghostvette
My pet peeve... seeing Army pukes running around in BDUs.... and looking like a soup sandwich....
Good grief, BDUs are a 'work' uniform, not a liberty uniform... FFS.... 
Marines are taught to travel in Service A, Service C, Dress Blues or civilian clothes....   though in the post 9/11 world, Service A might be a pain in the azz because of the metal detectors... 
I never travelled in BDU's, unless it was for training, or deployment. Otherwise, it was Class A, B or shorts and a tshirt.. I was too poor to own a pair of dress blues.
Speaking of medals, when my MOS was done away with, I reclassed as an engineer. When I reported to AIT, I was in my class A's to meet with my new Drill Sergents (we had to train with the recruits in AIT), I think I pissed off the DS because as an E4, I had more salad on my jacket than he did as an E6. He told me he never wanted to see me in my Class As again until graduation..lol